Comedy + Illustration + Design


Hi. My name is Geoff Tice and I am an art director, illustrator, designer, and general tall guy based in Colorado. If I am not drawing the night away, you can find me telling jokes on stage around town, shooting hoops with old guys on the weekends, or doodling during meetings at Mondo Robot.

If you need any further information or some possible podcast recommendations, feel free to contact me anytime. 


My name is Geoff Tice and I am an art director, illustrator, designer, and co-founder of Shadowstep Studio.

If I am not drawing the night away, you can find me telling jokes on stage around town, shooting hoops with old guys on the weekends or defending bad rap music.

For all design related inquires please contact me here: Design!

And for all comedy related bookings and inquires, please contact me here: Comedy!